Tuesday, July 21, 2009

King's Crossroad?!

And here I am
in front of crossroads.
All options lead to nowhere,
mystical, uncertain destination.

And here I am,
Reminded of how Laughing Gor
Used his 5 dollar coin
To help deciding his pick

And I'm here
Before the signboard
50-cent coin in hand I hold

The sky is blue,
The sun is no where to be seen,
Hidden behind the thick pearly white cloud,
The decent scent of freshly mowed field.

Three tosses
I say
Head to North, Tail to South.

First toss,
The coin flips in the air,
Flicker of hope
Lies between the two faces.
It drops to the ground
There it lies
Head it is.

Second toss, head too. I'm feeling lucky?!
Third toss, head AGAIN!
Head North, that is.

I'm determined
Looking at the three heads I scored.
I do the Maths,
Probability if getting 3 heads in a row,
Lucky I am?
Or this is His choice for me?

Who cares?
Go for it, I say.

And so,
I got my ticket punched.
Get ready for my journey to the North.
Place of full mysteries.
Place of full lures.
Place of full rocks and vines.
Place of adventure.

So long to this place I call home.

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